Emergency? Call 9-1-1
Emergency? Call 9-1-1
2025 Call Volume
In 2025, the District will continue its Community Risk Reduction Program to help educate the public on ways to reduce the risk of losses from wildland fires and fire hazards as well as providing fire prevention presentations to the schools. Additionally, the District will work with the local clinics to develop educational programs to reduce 9-1-1 calls for non-emergency medical problems.
Month Fire EMS Total
January 7 36 43
February 1 12 12
TOTAL 8 48 56
2024 Call Volume
In 2014, the District had 355 calls for service with an average of 30 calls per month. With an average of 54 calls per month over the last three years, we have seen a dramatic increase in call volume. In response to the increased call volume, the District has increased full time staff from three in 2014 to nine in 2024. The District is fortunate that volunteer first responder numbers have stayed steady at between 25 and 30 during the last 10 years. However, we would welcome more volunteers!
Month Fire EMS Total
January 9 41 50
February 3 33 36
March 7 30 37
April 4 40 44
May 16 49 65
June 12 12 47
July 14 49 64
August 11 36 47
September 10 59 69
October 5 40 45
November 12 47 59
December 11 35 46
TOTAL 114 494 608
2023 Call Volume
2023 had 638 calls for service with an average of 53 calls per month. There was a 10% decrease from 2022 calls for service. EMS calls were decreased by 16% and fire calls increased by 11%. Calls were made up of 59% medical calls, 12% traffic accidents, 11% fires, 9% good intent calls, 4% false alarms, 4% service calls, and 1% hazardous conditions.
Month Fire EMS Total
January 5 35 40
February 10 39 49
March 9 44 53
April 5 40 45
May 12 44 56
July 15 47 62
July 25 39 64
August 8 42 50
September 16 56 72
October 17 39 56
November 9 33 42
December 8 39 47
TOTAL 141 497 638