Emergency? Call 9-1-1
Emergency? Call 9-1-1
NFPA's Firewise USA® program teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together and take action now to prevent losses. Join the growing network of more than 1,500 recognized Firewise USA® sites from across the nation taking action and ownership in preparing and protecting their homes against the threat of wildfire.
Research tells us that the majority of homes ignite during a wildfire as a result of embers or small flames. There are steps that homeowners can take to reduce the risk, with the most important efforts occurring on and immediately around the home. Learn what actions you can take to reduce your risk of loss.
Click on this link to find out more.
Ready, Set, Go! is a nationwide program managed by International Association of Fire Chiefs and endorsed by the USDA Forest Service and other federal agencies . The program delivers a three step process that teaches homeowners to create their own action plan of preparedness, have situational awareness and leave early in the event of a fire. This process significantly increases the safety of residents and increases the safety of emergency responders.
1) Assemble emergency supplies and belongings in a safe place.
2) Plan escape routes and make sure all those residing within the home know
the plan of action and practice it regularly.
For more tips on what to do when wildfire is approaching and how to safely evacuate, visit the Ready, Set, Go! website at www.wildlandfirersg.org.